Sunday, November 29, 2009

Status update

Lots of work done over the thanksgiving weekend. The biggest news is that reflected methods are now callable. This makes it possible to write a very simple unit tests runner,

Here's how the test runner is invoked:

import tart.reflect.Module;
import tart.testing.TestUtils;

def main(args:String[]) -> int {
  return TestUtils.runModuleTests(Module.thisModule());

'runModuleTests' simply iterates through all of the global methods defined in the module, and calls any that begin with the letters "test". Here's what the function looks like:

import tart.reflect.Module;

namespace TestUtils {

  /** Simple function to run all of the test functions in a module. */
  def runModuleTests(m:Module) -> int {
    try {
      for method in m.methods {
        if"test") {
          Debug.write("Running: ",, "...");
    } catch t:Throwable {"Unexpected exception: ", t.toString());
      return 1;
    return 0;

Obviously, there's a lot of room for refinement here, but it demonstrates the basic principle.

The other thing I worked on is finishing up union types - and adding support for unconditional dynamic casting. More sample code:

  var x:int or float; // A union type

  // Integer type
  x = 1;

  // isa tests
  Debug.assertTrue(x isa int);
  Debug.assertFalse(x isa float);
  Debug.assertFalse(x isa String);

  // Type casts
  Debug.assertEq(1, typecast[int](x));
  try {
    Debug.assertEq(1.0, typecast[float](x));"union member test failed");
  } catch t:TypecastException {}

  // classify
  classify x as xi:int {
    Debug.assertTrue(xi == 1);
  } else {"union member test failed");

The difference between 'classify' and 'typecast' is that the latter throws an exception if it fails, while the former transfers control to a different suite.

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